DevLog 8: Happy Shop

Hello lovely peeps!

Today I'm gonna be showing off the design for the interior of the Happy Shop which appears in the hub town just outside the Adventure Tower.

I wanted the shop to have lots of stuff in it to catch the players eye, just playful items mostly but also wanted the space to feel small like most British convenience stores tend to be. I started by blocking everything out;

You may have noticed the already textured Onigiri character at the back? That's my little character OniGary which I modelled for a bit of fun for my Instagram a few days ago;

I decided I'd put him in as a little cameo but also to promote Happy Onigiri, a health item you'll be able to buy from Happy Shop in the game to help with exploring the tower! :D

So up next was setting up the UV, a super simple process in Blockbench. I decided rather than my usual 'big texture with everything on' I'd break it up into key elements like the room, the objects on shelves, the furniture and so on.

When it came to texturing I tried to keep everything colourful but also wanted the place to feel a little dull compared to the outside world. I blame my time working in a toy shop; everything was colourful but you'd look out that window on an 8 hour shift and the outside world looked so full of life...I may have bad experience when it comes to retail work!

And with some final touches like the Onigiri in the display the shop was complete;

Finally I imported the whole thing into the Unreal Engine, added in some lighting and threw in the unwilling teenage retail employee who doesn't wanna be there and;

The lighting still needs some re-working but I've not finished toying around with the cel shading post process I have going on so no point over thinking the lighting till that's locked in. I'm quite proud of how it turned out with lots to look at, little nods to influential things in my past, my undying love of noodles, and my own little mascot fella (which you can see in my profile picture actually).

Only the Lab left to make the interior of now then basically the whole town is finished and full focus can begin on the tower, enemies, and combat!

Exciting and scary times!

Welp, thanks for reading all this. Hope you found it interesting! :D


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