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I really like the idea, would love to see this developed more :)

Controls are a little funky, like he falls so fast all of a sudden like he's got a massive head, and there's some errors like the restored colour will go away if I die on the next screen and glitches don't disappear right away when you press the switch to make them go away.


I like the ad.

(2 edits) (+1)

Love the concept and sense of humour. And the sprite is very cute!

Had a bit of light hearted fun with it. Well done!!

My only peeve is that I wish the main character would imediately stop walking when I release the button! Grrr!

(Also, I think I found a bug, I died on the boss scene and colors returned to monochrome - only to get colorful again when I pulled the last lever)



Yeah if I take this further into a full game in the future I'd like to add stuff like 'the chip that calculates friction is failing!' and you have a way to turn off that momentum :D Haha

Ooooh odd, I'll have to take a look at that. Thanks! :)


I am simply unable to put into words how impressive this is. Absolutely astonishing!

Awww thanks so much! <3


My lord, the amount of effort required to pull something like this off is astounding. A GAME BOY COLOUR GAME. THAT WORKS. Gonna test this on a flash cart.


Oooh let me know how it goes! I only have an emulation device so I couldn't truly test it on the intended hardware but if the emulation tests I did were right it should work fine! :D

(2 edits) (+1)

Well I guess I should admit I don't have a GBC, I tested it on a DS Lite w/ GameYOB Emulator, but it's still somewhat closer to original hardware, it worked fine on this combo.

Awesome! :D Hope you had fun!