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This is so cool and useful!


Is it possible to have save games in this? Could there be like a creation of a .sav file in some folder inside the Mac App? Thanks

(1 edit)

It is indeed possible to save games. Try e.g. BubbleFrog which is preloaded. It saves automatically after each level and when you continue, you'll be in the correct level.

Considering the .sav file: it might be possible to export them in the future, if this is a requested feature. But it's unclear if those files will work in other emulators.


Will you make a version for distributing on Mac? I would use this for Wink if it was cross platform


I believe it's possible, I'll get Mooon to reply to you about it! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, it's already possible to do it :D and there is a link to all supported processors and OS' but short answer for Mac is:

Apple Silicon processor: npx electron-packager "./" "BubbleWrap" --platform=darwin --arch="arm64" 

Intel processor: just replace the "arm64" for arch with "x86_64".


Oh OK! I'll do that


It will be possible in the future to create installers for the desktop variants and (specifically for Mac) sign with your apple developer id. I'm currently working on this.

Thank you! If I'm not mistaken, signing with a developer account is important for Mac otherwise most people won't be able to open it